Your Slice Partner Success manager will share a Javascript snippet which contains a unique identifier for your restaurant. This code snippet should be added in the the head of the website, like a Facebook or Google tracking code snippet. It won't need to be changed.
The Smart Button settings like style, content, and positioning can be managed by the Partner Success Manager or by the restaurant owner through Slice's Owners Portal (self-service). Settings changes like these won't require any code changes on the website.
In Wordpress, many websites already leverage a plugin to manage head/footer snippets. Google Tag Manager, or a functions.php script would work as well. The instructions below is using a simple and free Wordpress plugin as an example but Slice doesn't necessarilly recommend this plugin in particular.
Because this script will trigger a visual change on the webpage (banner, button, etc) we recommend prioritizing it as much as possible in the head.
There are multiple ways to place the one-time Smart Button code in Wordpress. Below, you'll find simple instructions that don't require a web developer. If you're already working with a web developer, share this page with them or contact your Partner Success Manager.
First, check if you already have a similar plugin. Skip Step 2 if you already have a similar plugin. Subsequent steps will vary slightly depending on the plugin you have.
Slice doesn't necessarilly recommend this plugin. There are many other similar plugins that will work. WPCode is another plugin that is often recommended in blogs and forums.
Note: There are many diffent plugins and different methods that can be used for Wordpress sites. The plugin we've used is just an example. Other plugins will work similarly. WPCode is another plugin often recommended in online blogs and forums, but the steps will be slightly different. We do recommend using a plugin in this guide because modifying the functions.php file should only be done by experienced Wordpress developers.
That's it! Customize on your own from Owners Portal without accessing your website again! Your Partner Success Manager can help you also.
Below you'll find all of the different styles and colors available so far.